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Organize high-quality events in less time.

Ask us your questions, book a free demo, or request a suitable quote.

The participant overview shows you who has registered, participants’ choices and the number of deregistrations in a straightforward format.

Real-time information

You can view detailed information on which workshops are popular, which percentage of participants have downloaded the app and which participants want to network

Add filters

You can apply filters to the participant list to instantly view and export specific lists and summaries.


When participants deregister, they will appear in the list of deregistrations. You can reactivate them at any time on request.

Personal dashboard

Participants will have a personal dashboard where they can change their details, select other workshops and deregister. That removes the hassle for you.


You’ll have easy access to all participant information and the option to export it to Excel.
Easily and fast your
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We’d love to help you

Ask us your questions, book a free demonstration
or request a quotation.